Stephanie Reese » AP English Resources

AP English Resources

Course Description:

This course is designed to provide students with an in-depth introduction to college-level English and to prepare the students to take the Advanced Placement English Literature Exam. Emphasis is placed on close reading texts, utilizing appropriate text support to defend unique assertions, learning/using advanced literary terminology in analysis, and owning  the literary analysis essay.  Students will read a wide-variety of literature closely, conscientiously, and independently. They will be required to keep a detailed dialectical journal for EVERY reading assignment.  Students will learn to annotate and read aggressively, meaning they will always approach literature with purpose, preparation, and precision. Students will focus on the “experience of literature, the interpretation of literature, and the evaluation of literature” through our textbook. Those 3 elements will be achieved through daily class discussion/analysis, prepared student discussion (“Socratic Seminar”), and writing (both timed prompt-based essays and out-of-class literary analysis). They will also be expected to take multiple choice exams on concepts learned and used in class.

***Dual Enrollment Option: 3 Credits at Mount Aloysius College (fee is required): EN 281- Analysis of Classical Written Texts